Sunday, October 9, 2011

Moroccan Jews Making Changes to America's Quintissential Ashkenazic Institution--Manishewitz

With Some Passing on Gefilte Fish, A New Lure: Fish 'Meatballs'

Manischewitz Takes Mediterranean Turn, Hoping to Spice Up Fare; 'What Is Cumin?'

For years, gefilte fish—plump little patties of minced fish—has been the Jewish holiday treat that some Jews love to hate.

These days, some say they've moved on. "Tradition is important but it needs updating—it doesn't have to be only about gefilte fish anymore," says Chany Konikov, a rabbi's wife in Southampton, N.Y., who also likes poached salmon and sushi.

Even Paul Bensabat wasn't that impressed when he tried it. "Boring," he says. "Pretty bland." And he's co-CEO of Manischewitz Co., one of the largest producers of gefilte fish. When Mr. Bensabat and partners took over the 123-year-old company, they decided to spice things up. One idea: Moroccan fish balls.

For more:
With Some Passing on Gefilte Fish, Manischewitz Tries a New Mediterranean Lure -

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