Friday, November 30, 2007

Early Zionism Review Quiz

The following is a quiz I gave my sixth grade students this week... How much do you know about Early Zionism? Answers and further learning can be linked to at the bottom of the entry.

Round One:

  1. What was Theodore Herzl’s job?
  2. True or false: The First Aliyyah began in 1870. (Skip round two if you can name the correct year.)
  3. Hatikvah” means…?
  4. What is an oleh?
  5. Kibbutzim were founded on the principles of what political and economic philosophy?
  6. Translate the following phrase: “Am Yisrael Hai.”
  7. What was the name of the ideal held by the people of the Second and Third Aliyyot?
  8. What is a halutz?
  9. Name one modern country from which First Aliyyah immigrants came.
  10. Name a place outside of Israel where a Jewish state was proposed.
  11. What recurring event motivated most of the immigrants to Israel from 1880 to 1910?
  12. Define Zionism.

Round Two:

  1. Finish the sentence: “Im Tirzu Ein Zo …”
  2. Name two (other) modern countries from which Second and Third Aliyyah immigrants came.
  3. What is the difference between Eretz Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael?
  4. In which European country were the early Zionist Congresses held? (Skip round three if you can name the city.)
  5. Why did the Zionists stop their investigation of the Uganda plan?
  6. Why did Theodore Herzl become a Zionist (two reasons)?

Round Three:

  1. In 1900, which country held political control of the land of Israel?
  2. What was the name of the major Zionist group representing all the different Zionists in Europe?
  3. Name a French soldier who was tried for a crime he did not commit simply because he was Jewish.
  4. Is there still a World Zionist Organization that holds a World Zionist Congress?
  5. Which modern Israeli city came first: Petah Tiqvah or Tel Aviv?

Round Four (Final):

· Who donated the money that kept the early olim from Eastern Europe from giving up their new farms and homes?

For Answer Key and Further Learning Click Here.

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